Thanks, artemis -- hope the next chapter doesn't disappoint!

Wow, Virginia, you may like longer parts, but I DEFINITELY like the longer reviews! smile For whatever reason, I never even considered Clark taking Lois to Smallville, so I'm glad that decision made sense -- his apartment just seems so much more like Clark to me. When I imagine him, I imagine his place. I am so glad you all noticed that Lois's shiver had nothing to do with the cold -- trying to show a character's POV through another character's eyes, particularly a character who doesn't understand, is one of the hardest things to do, so it was a relief to hear that it turned out here. And no Jimmy -- he does seem much more preferable than Luthor, though, doesn't he? Puts things into perspective! goofy Thank you so much for the detailed review -- it's always helpful, not to mention a delight, when readers take the time to show me how they read the scenes!

Same to you, LMA! I was grinning like a fool when I came back from work to find your feedback! I wish I could vindicate your belief that I'm descriptive in these fdk replies, but I'm afraid that it doesn't work at all in personal life! smile So glad the capitalized places are still working -- I wasn't sure that the concept would be conveyed well enough in the first place, so sticking with it through the story was a long shot for me, but I liked it too much to leave it! And yay! Glad the bit about Clark throwing Superman's suit into the laundry showed perspective! That was one of my favorite bits, too! I've always particularly loved the way that Clark just wants to connect. He could be such an isolated character, but he reaches out so well -- especially to the love of his life! And yeah, very bad misunderstanding there, but I had to work the title of the piece in somehow or other. wink

Thank you, KateB! I'm glad you're enjoying -- but Luthor always has to show up at the exact wrong moment, right? It's pretty much his gift! frown

Glad you like the angst, Iolanthe! There's a lot more where it came from, trust me. And yes, the hamper has a lid -- is there a name for one of those things? Hmm, more research, I guess.

That Claude analogy was dubious, Vicki, and I almost took it out, but then it seemed to fit so well, and I'd already written it (which is probably what saved it, to be honest; I hate rewriting), and now I'm very glad I left it in! Thanks!

"The cacophony of emotion" - I love that, Morgana! Thanks so much for all the work beta-ing you do for me!

Thanks for the great reviews, everyone!