So, that's the end of Story 1.
Why, you upside-down tease, you! You bring us this sweet, soul-healing moment in their lives, and you tantalize us with more to come.

But when?

I have plans for a sequel, but my life has entered a new season where writing time is in very short supply. I can't give any indication of when I will start a new fic, let alone when it might be in good enough condition to be posted.
Of course it won't be soon! And we'll all be on tenterhooks until it's ready for prime time. My, but you're good with reader incentives.

Now to specifics.

I like now Lois is more than ready to consummate the marriage, but not so eager as to knock him down and force him to devour her. And I like how Clark has worked past most of his hangups from his time with Lana (who by now maybe thinking that life with the weird alien wasn't all bad after all).

Clark pushed away the memories of his past like yesterday's trash
That's such a great metaphor.

And I really, really LOVE Diddi and his attitude. Clark will be his bestest buddy for a long, long time.

And what can I say about Romaric, and Gislane, and Sylva and Matty and the rest that hasn't already been said? They are all such wonderful people. You've drawn them as actual beings with their own personalities and quirks and wants and needs and loves. You did such a great job with this story that now I'm vexed with you! One: this tale is done! Two: you're making us wait for the next tale!

Please, please let Tempus get knocked into the river by a wild boar and smushed to death by hippos as he holds Clark at bay with his last piece of green K so Clark isn't able to save him! If not a boar, let Romaric or Matty throw a javelin through his chest and then let him fall into the river and get mangled by hippos who, one of which chomps down the Kryptonite and then swims away to barf it up in the deepest part of the river's main channel. Wouldn't that be ironic?

Seriously, you take care of real life. It's more important than this virtual life, especially since none of us gets paid for this (although you're certainly one of the many who should - you write so well!). Take your time, but please don't forget about this alternate universe. You're so facile with it, and you pull your readers into the story so deeply that it's hard to let go.

If you can, please let us know about this new season of life. Not prying, honest, but your many fans would like to know.

Hope we see you on the boards soon! Take care, Corrina.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing