CH 10

Lois and Clark arrived at Dr. Goldberg’s office at seven, just after closing, in hopes that all the staff had gone home for the evening. From their previous recordings, they assumed that the man, whom they were looking for, never arrived during business hours. Clark pulled the Jeep into the same parking spot in the dark alley they had used for the first stakeout. The streetlight above them was still broken, providing ample darkness for them to hide in at the same time as still leaving the office visible. While the parking lot was less conspicuous, the alley had a better angle for watching the office, and tonight they needed a clear picture of who was delivering the new formula, assuming he delivered it that night.

Lois pulled out the camera with a telephoto lens and attached a short tripod to it that would allow it to perch on the dashboard. Clark placed the pair of binoculars next to it and handed Lois a sandwich.

“Clark, this is amazing. How come you always know the best places in town?” asked Lois through a mouthful of prosciutto and provolone cheese.

“I’m an adventurous eater,” he replied before he took a bite of his sandwich, piled high with sopressata, capicola, and salami.

“Seriously, I’ve never found a place like this in Metropolis. Where is it?” she pleaded before taking another large bite.

“Oh, it’s just a little Italian deli that I found.” Truth be told, Clark had flown to Italy to help clear his mind after their meeting at STAR Labs that afternoon. He was appalled at what Dr. Goldberg was doing to these kids and, other than talking to his parents which he didn’t have time for, flying always helped calm him down when he was upset.

“Well, you’re going to have to take me there sometime.”

Clark smiled, thinking he would like to do nothing more. “Sure. I also got these to go with it.” He brought out two bottles of San Pellegrino sparkling water.

“Clark, the label’s even in Italian. This place really is going for being authentic.”

Clark shrugged at her while he opened the bottle, slowly letting the rush of gas escape before taking a drink.

Lois watched him carefully trying to figure out what he was hiding. She knew Clark didn’t lie very well and his body language was telling her that he was up to something. She couldn’t come up with a reason what he would have to lie about over a sandwich shop. Having come up with nothing, she slowly opened her own bottle and took a sip before going back to her delicious sandwich.

They sat in silence, each enjoying their meal while staring at the front door to Dr. Goldberg’s office.

After an hour, they still hadn’t seen any movement inside or outside the building.

“Do you think he’s still in there?” asked Lois, breaking the silence.

“His car’s still here.” Clark pointed to the black BMW 7 series parked across the street.

Lois looked at the luxury car for a moment. “How do you know that’s his car?”

“Well, it’s an expensive car that only someone like a doctor could afford, and it’s been parked here late most nights when I’ve picked up the tapes.”

“I thought you had Superman picking them up for you?”

He shook his head. “Not every night.”

“So, he was just doing you a favor that night of the party?”

“Yes. I didn’t know when I would get a chance to get over there, so he offered to pick the tape up.”

Lois paused before asking the question, which had been nagging her all week. “Did you have a good time at the party?”

Clark shook his head. “Not really. I would have much rather been over at your place working on this story.”

“Me, too,” agreed Lois.

“Really?” Clark was surprised. “I thought you were enjoying yourself?”

“I was, until I realized you were there with Linda and she questioned my ability to actually be Lex’s date.”

Clark squirmed in his chair at the mention of Luthor’s name.

“Clark, what is your problem with Lex? He’s a nice guy, and we have a good time together.”

“I… just don’t trust him.”

“Why? Has he ever said anything to you that would make you doubt him?” she inquired.

“No.” Not to him as Clark. “I just don’t like the vibe I get from him. It’s as if I know he’s hiding something, but I have no proof of what that is.”

“Clark, I can smell a rat from a mile away, and I’ve never sensed anything about Lex that would make me suspicious,” she said, pausing to study him. “I know he didn’t get where he is in life by being a nice guy, but there’s nothing suspicious about that, just the reality of big business. Really, I think you’re just jealous.”

“It’s not jealousy,” denied Clark.

“Yes, it is. You get fidgety whenever I mention his name. Plus, if anyone is hiding something it’s you.”

“Me?” Clark asked defensively.

“Yes. You, ” she accused, pointing at him.

Clark raised a suspicious eyebrow, not sure at what she was getting at. “Like what?”

“Like where you got this sandwich today,” she quipped.

“Lois, I told you it was from an Italian deli.”

“Which one? Does it have a name?” she kept probing.

“I don’t remember it,” he mumbled, glancing away. “It was just some hole in the wall place tucked next to an alley.”

“Clark, you never forget anything. Why is it such a big deal to tell me where this place is?”

“It’s not…Just that if I told you where every place I picked up food was, I could no longer impress you with my food finding skills,” Clark said nervously, giving her a wink. “Gives me an air of mystery.”

Lois looked at him, obviously not buying his statement.

“Lois, I’ve already told you more about myself than anyone else knows. Can’t I keep where I got dinner from a secret? Do you have to know everything?”

“Clark,” she began, but was interrupted when her peripheral vision caught a glimpse of a figure walking towards Dr. Goldberg’s office with a briefcase. He was coming towards them from up the street past the office, allowing Lois to get a clear shot of him. She turned her attention away from Clark and to the camera. Focusing on her target, she began taking pictures.

“I hope one of these comes out clear,” she stated, snapping several pictures. “It’s dark and he’s a long way away.”

When she was done, she looked at Clark, who was staring through the binoculars. “Do you recognize him?” she asked.

Clark did recognize him as the man he had seen the last time in the building with his x-ray vision, but not as someone to who he could match a name. “No. Do you?”

“No. Oh my God! Clark,” she said in a panic. “It’s early. The tape isn’t turned on. We need this conversation.”

“Okay, stay here. I’ll run up there and switch it on.” Clark didn’t hesitate. He jumped out of the car and ran up to the house, sticking to the shadows. He rounded the corner to the back of the building and, knowing now that Lois couldn’t see him, floated up to the roof to switch the tape on. He stayed up on the roof to listen in on the conversation. He also looked down into the room to see what was in the briefcase. He saw the man pull out two vials of a murky liquid.

”This is from our latest subject. It’s shown remarkable stability. Make sure everyone gets a dose.”

“Even the Phase Oners?” asked Dr. Goldberg.

“Everyone,” the second man declared.

“What about those in Phase Three?”

“Tell them to come in for a checkup and administer it as you would anyone else.”

“But those guys aren’t expecting to need injections. They got replacements. ”

“Then make something up. Tell them you’ve found a risk of bacterial infection from the surgery and this is an antibiotic injection,” said the second man.

“Are you sure this round is going to work?”

“Yes. I’m positive.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Let’s just say that we’ve had a breakthrough,” confessed the second man.

“A breakthrough? You mean you did it. You’ve successfully completed Phase Four, and this is from him?”

There was silence, but Clark could see the other man nodding his head.

”When can I see him?” asked Dr. Goldberg impatiently.

“You won’t. Your job is to continue working on these patients; that is it.”

“But if I could study him, I could learn so much that could help these patients.”

Suddenly, Clark heard Lois opening up the car door. “Ugh, what’s taking him so long? He leaves me in the car and then gets caught.”

Knowing this conversation would be on tape , Clark quickly left the roof and was in the street, jogging towards Lois, a few seconds later. He put his hand on her back, spun her around, and headed back to the car.

“What took you so long?” she asked once they were inside.

“I wanted to see what was in the briefcase.” He pulled the binoculars out of his jacket pocket and set them back on the dash. “He had two vials of a whitish murky liquid that he handed to Goldberg. I’ll come back later tonight to grab the tape so we can find out what all was said.”

“It’s too late to drop this film off tonight. We’ll have to wait until morning for Jimmy to process it. Let’s call it an early night for a change and get out of here.”

Clark agreed, “Sounds good to me.”


Clark arrived at the Planet the next morning to find everyone in the newsroom gathering around the TV. “What’s going on?” he asked.

“Oh, we’ve got a serious situation at Orly. A plane is trying to come in without any landing gear,” Perry explained, his eyes not leaving the TV.

Clark took a quick look at the TV, confirming what Perry had just said. “Ah, I just remembered I left my story notes in the car,” he stuttered as he backed out of the crowd.

“Clark, you don’t have a car,” Lois stated puzzled.

“In the taxi,” he corrected himself, already halfway back to the elevator.

“Look,” said Jimmy.

“This just in,” announced the reporter on TV.

A smile spread across Perry’s face. “I don’t believe it.”

The reporter continued, “Superman, the famed Man of Steel from Metropolis, is flying along side of the aircraft.”

“It’s Superman! He’s there,” said Lois.

“What’s he doing in France?” asked Jimmy.

“In Paris?” Lois added.

“Great shades of Elvis!” exclaimed Perry with a smile.

As the crowd of reporters cheered, the rescue played out on the TV in front of them. Clark stood behind them, paralyzed in disbelief at what he had just seen. He remained standing there staring at the TV, even after the crowd dissipated. Lois came up to him.

“Hey, Clark, you okay?” asked Lois, concerned by his lighter than normal complexion.

“Ah, yeah. I’m just surprised to see Superman in Paris,” replied Clark, still staring at the screen.

“Me, too. It’s been days since anyone has seen him in Metropolis. Do you think something’s going on with him?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll ask him next time I see him.”

“I’ve already got Jimmy working on developing those pictures. Did you get the tape from last night?” she asked.

“Yes. Let me get a cup of coffee and I’ll meet you in the conference room.”

“Sure,” she patted his chest softly. “You look like you need it.”

Clark took the time while making his coffee to replay in his head the events that just took place. He was dumbfounded at seeing himself on the TV, but knew he hadn’t rescued that plane or any other plane in Paris before. So who just did? He briefly thought about returning home to call his parents and ask them what they thought of the situation, but decided it could wait. He needed Lois to hear what was on the tape from last night.

He walked into the conference room and set his coffee on the table before popping the tape in the stereo. They listened to it together, Lois more intently than Clark as he had already heard most of it. When the tape got to where Clark had left off, he listened more closely. He could hear the almost panicked tone with which Dr. Goldberg was speaking. Clark wasn’t sure if the anxiety was for his patients or for himself. After the other man left, they shut the tape off.

“Clark, this doesn’t sound good.”

“I know. We need to find out who this other guy is now, and what he’s created for Phase Four.”

Lois opened the door and yelled for Jimmy.

He came running over. “Hey, guys.”

“Jimmy, how are the pictures coming?” she asked.

“They’re in the lab right now, but it’s backed up for maybe another hour.”

“Great,” Lois barked in frustration.

“Hey, Jimmy,” said Clark. “We need you to pull up all the data you can find on a kid who was injured in a state basketball playoff game on last Friday. His name is Thomas McKay. Can you find out who he might associate with and who else is on the basketball team?”

“Also, get a list of their basketball stats from last year and this year. Let’s see if we can narrow down players who might be performing better this year than they should be,” added Lois.

“You got it,” Jimmy said with a nod, before heading off to his desk.

“Lois, Clark,” hollered Perry. “We got a robbery and hostage situation at the Metropolis Merchant Bank. Shake a leg. Take a photographer.”

Clark looked at Lois quickly searching for an excuse to go separately. “You go ahead. I’ll grab a photographer and meet you there.”

“Coleston,” Lois yelled at the photographer heading her way.

“I heard,” replied the middle age photographer.

“See, Clark,” she said, turning and patting Clark’s chest. “I’ve got you covered.”

Clark begrudgingly got into the elevator with Lois and Joe Coleston, still searching for an excuse to meet them there, but coming up empty. He would just have to wait until they arrived at the bank to get away.


When they arrived on scene, Lois wasted no time exiting the cab to wander through the crowd in search of an officer who was not already talking with someone. After paying the cabbie, Clark and Coleston followed behind trying to keep up.

“Lois Lane, Daily Planet. What happened?” she asked the officer.

“We had a tense standoff until Superman got here,” he replied as he went through his notes.

“He’s here, in Metropolis?”

“Yep, flew right through the top-floor window,” the officer said, pointing out the window. “Apprehended the perp and freed the hostages. He’s right over there.”

Lois looked over the officer’s shoulder and saw Superman talking to another group of officers. She ran over to him. “Superman, Superman, you’re back,” she yelled, interrupting the conversation he was having with an officer.

Before she reached him, one of the suspects broke free. Superman super-sped over to him, picked him up, and threw him headfirst into the police van.

She walked back up to him with disbelief. “Superman?” she said cautiously, not understanding the force with which he had just dealt the bank robber.

“Yes…” Superman drawled, looking at her with vacant eyes.

“It’s me. Lois.”

Superman looked her up and down, ogling her, before smirking and flying away, leaving Lois befuddled. Clark came running up behind her.

“Clark, did you see that?” she asked, trying to get confirmation that what she thought just happened did, in fact, take place. Superman had checked her out and not in a subtle way.

“Yeah, I did.”

“There’s something wrong with him. He didn’t seem to recognize me.”

“Let’s not forget throwing that guy in the back of the police van from twenty feet away. He knocked him out cold.”

“Maybe we should find him. I’d really like to talk to him.”

“Me, too,” he said with a sigh.

“Let’s go and get this story written up. Maybe then Jimmy will be done with those pictures.”

“Why don’t you go on ahead with Coleston? I’d like to stick around and talk to more witnesses about what happened before we arrived.”

“Sure, if you want…” Lois paused and took a good look at her usually cheerful partner. “Clark, are you feeling okay? You look a little pale again. Maybe you should just go home and rest?” she asked concerned.

“I’ll be fine. Truthfully, I haven’t felt good since this morning, but I’ll get over it. I’ll meet you back at the Planet in a bit.”

Lois didn’t really feel like leaving her partner, but agreed to go back and start working on the article. It was rare for Clark to be sick and it bothered her to see him that way. He insisted though that he stay here and try to find out something more about Superman’s behavior before they arrived. They were both concerned about his overly aggressive handling of the situation and what it could potentially lead to if that behavior continued.

Pushing her worried face aside, she waited while Clark hailed a cab for her and Coleston, and then watched as Clark disappeared into the crowd as the cab pulled away.


Lois returned to the Planet and quickly wrote up the story, leaving any of her suspicions about Superman out of the article. As she sat mulling over what she had seen that morning regarding Superman, Jimmy stopped by her desk to drop off the pictures that he had developed.

“Lois…Earth to Lois,” said Jimmy, waving a picture in front of her face when she didn’t respond to the pictures being dropped on her desk.

“Oh, hey, Jimmy.” She turned his direction as he plopped down in her guest seat.

He picked up the stack of photos that he had just placed on her desk. “I got those pictures that you wanted.”

“How’d they turn out?” she asked as she took the photos from him.

“Most are blurry, but these here aren’t so bad.” Jimmy pointed out the three on the top.

She glanced at the top picture, which showed a side profile of the man she had seen last night. “Thanks, Jimmy. Any luck on the other stuff with that kid?”

“I’m having the computer run through a list of names, and I’m trying to get a yearbook for that school. Give me a couple more hours to finish it up.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” she half-joked.

“I know you will,” he replied, and then quickly headed back to his desk where his phone was ringing.

Lois turned her attention back to the pictures. Of the three that Jimmy pointed out, two of them had the man’s face either turned to the side or facing down. Only one of them had a good front view. She didn’t recognize the man. He was dressed in brown slacks and a dress shirt, wore thick glasses and had brown hair. There’s was nothing remarkable about the man that would make him stand out in a crowd.

Lois opened a new search on the Daily Planet DataNet search engine, put in his physical parameters, and limited the search to men residing in Metropolis and possible professions: scientist, geneticist, and doctor. Twenty minutes later, the computer had compiled a list of over a hundred people that fit the profile. It wasn’t what she was hoping for, but it was a start.


Two hours later, Clark still hadn’t returned to the Daily Planet and Lois was beginning to worry about him. She knew he rarely got sick and that he didn’t handle it very well when he did. He could be just a big baby when it came down to it, but Clark had said he was going to show back up. Thinking he might have just gone home, she gave him a call but only got his answering machine.

“I’m not home right now, so please leave a message after the beep and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.” Beep!

“Hey, Clark, I hope you’re feeling better. I’ve got the pictures developed and a stack of info from Jimmy to go through. If you feel up to it, I would like it if you could come over and we could go through it tonight. You know…only if you’re feeling better. If not, I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye.”

She hung up the phone hoping that she would see him again tonight and a little worried that he hadn’t shown up.

“Miss Lane?”

She looked up from her desk to see an unfamiliar young man with dark hair and glasses holding a clipboard and envelope. “Yes,” she answered.

“I have this for you,” he said, handing her the envelope. “Can you sign here?” He pointed to a signature line on the paper attached to his clipboard.

She took the envelope and set it on a stack of papers on her desk. As she resumed looking through the list of possible names for the man in the picture, she noticed that the messenger still hadn’t left her desk and was politely standing there. She looked at him and gave him a “What?” glare.

“Oh, I’m supposed to wait for a response.”

Lois picked up the envelope, and removing the note, she read:

‘Dear Lois, please forgive my behavior today. May I see you tonight? Yours, Superman.’

“My answer’s a definite ‘yes’,” she told the messenger. He nodded, and then left her desk. Lois packed her briefcase full with all of today’s research and headed for home. She needed to cook , clean, and get dressed for her meeting with Superman tonight.

***** End of Chapter 10 ******

"You're better at this than I thought," she told him.
"At what?" Clark looked up at her quizzically.
"You didn't think I could lie?"
~ Sue s. FB