Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:
Another intriguing part.

My guess? Lex succeeded where Intergang failed. I am thinking his gifts to Superman were Trojan Horses, and that they contained an extra functionality unknown to Clark. Perhaps they had some sort of tracing mechanism so that Lex could figure out Superman's secret identity and put Intergang's slow poisoning plan into place. Perhaps the suits themselves contained kryptonite in such minute quantities that they didn't trip the detectors. or maybe the detectors were rigged somehow to ignore any kryptonite within the suits themselves. (Maybe Lex had developed a synthetic kryptonite that was undetectable to the suits but just as lethal to Clark.)

Give who the author of the story is, I am at least 90% convinced that Clark really is dead, and that his death came as a result of Lex's machinations. If that is the case, I thank you Randi, that at least you made a point of saying that what would prove to be his final years were happy ones.

Eager for part 3.

Thanks for the comments.

Given who the author is?! - yeah I like dark stories but not solely dark stories. smile

Speaking of dark stories, I've read references to Red Boots Down here on the boards where someone discovered the secret and managed to poison Clark. The story is praised but apparently was pulled by the author. Would have liked to have read it.

Back to my story, Batman/Bruce is the worlds greatest detective mind and Lois is shrewd to no end. Ten years and they couldn't catch Lex in the dire deed you assume he carried out?