Darth Michael--I like the Church tie-in. I'm planning to expand the story and I'll include it.

John--The longer version that goes from this scene through the fight with Nor would be primarily from Clark's perspective. I actually wanted him to be useless here to give him the impetus to develop other skills.

IolantheAlias--Yep. Guilt is what I had in mind. I didn't do much explanation for the gift because I wanted to keep the flashback short and I wanted to devote some time to Clark's reaction. I liked the opening line challenge and wrote it with the cuts to make the line work but I will probably rearrange them in a rewrite.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I intend to keep working on this story but I can't promise any timelines. I have one idea that I haven't really seen before that goes with the story and I'd like to do it well.

By the way, I'm really surprised that no one has commented on Clark's sandwich. Did everyone assume Lois was being sarcastic?
