I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm ready for this charming tale to reappear. I tend to agree with others that Clark has been suppressing - or at least not using - his powers, probably because of his shattered heart. Now that he knows he has them back again, will he sit in mid-air for Lois to prove that he can fly? (I doubt he wants to reveal that aspect of himself to everyone right now.) Or will he take a knife and show her that his skin is impenetrable? Will he light a fire just by looking?

And now that he knows Lois' huge secret, how will she deal with that? How will she approach him now? Maybe she'll be ashamed of her snap response and ask his forgiveness. Maybe she'll be angry that he kept that side of himself from her. Maybe she'll ask him if he can take care of the boar that's been roaming around outside the village.

And will they join forces, go back to Metropolis, and take Tempus down so hard he'll bounce into next week? Will they agree to separate forever because Lois can't leave her life with the Bangala? Or will Clark decide he can't leave Lois and stay with the tribe?

Or will Tempus somehow hear about the white woman healer and the strong white man living with the Bangala and come to visit with malice aforethought?

So many questions yet to be resolved. Hurry, Corrina! Get back home from your son's wedding (which I'm sure was wonderful) and let us know what happens next! Because all the best stories, according to Sam Gamgee, leave us wanting to know what happens next.

And he's right.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing