Obligatory YAY for new chapter!

“Then let's proceed as best we can without her,” Lois asserted. “Kal-El – you have made your list of Kryptonians you believe you can trust?”

“I have,” he answered, his gentle gaze briefly connected to hers, to quickly see if she was troubled in any way. She held it together rather well for someone who had been so horribly abused. She gave him a quick smile that told him what he wanted to know. Yes, she was having difficulties, but she had things under control.
Lois has gone through her trauma and angst in "Long Strange Trip". She has learned to trust a Clark - he repaired her trust in him after betrayal of that trust by Clone-El.

"You and Zara are the only people present who might know these people and where their loyalties may lie.”
Preparing for a coup d'etat is always nerve-wracking. How much more so must it be when the "king" has super powers?
And don't forget that line: "When you strike at the king, do not attempt to wound him." They're going to get one chance to depose Clone-El and his lackeys. They'd better make the most of it.

"I understand Ching did what he did to protect Zara and my other counterpart – however ...”

“He threw you under the bus,” Kent said angry on her behalf.
Of course Kent (canon Clark) would be the most horrified by what Clone-El has done. He is married to the undamaged Lois (Lane in this fic). It has to be torture for him to see the damage done to Lois and LL - and damage done by his own doppelganger. That must be very bitter for canon Clark.

Some primitive childlike part of her wanted to be cared for, and the people here would likely do so without even hesitating. Even the Kryptonians. Especially them. Which was weird. Very weird. She avoided making any kind of eye contact with Kal-El. He was the one who bothered her the most.
Because, deep down, she's supposed to be with him, and subconsciously she recognizes that.

“If that's okay, you need to redefine the word. Clearly we're in the land of opposites.”
Look! It's the Bizarro World !

LL had strong leadership skills. Kal-El knew she was upset in their company, and even worse – sick … add to that being forced to examine lists of names of those who may have tormented her – she was holding it together remarkably well. Lois was as well, but somehow this seemed different. Lois had obviously gone on a journey of acceptance where 'her' Kal-El was concerned. In the case of 'his' LL, she hadn't had the same opportunity and was therefore even more impressive in her ability to put her aversions aside in order to work alongside those who resonated horror in her soul. His heart twisted in pity at the idea that she might be suffering far more than she let on.
This just shows how strong LL is.

His eyes were very kind. Very non Kal-El like. His human trappings and his human mannerisms made it hard to see the monster in him sometimes.
This is a great line. Poor Kal-El! He must know that LL thinks of him as a monster.

Please post more soon!