Yea for Clark for not letting him being dressed as Clark from stopping him being the hero on the beach. clap I'm amazed he kept his glasses on in the surf and managed to style his hair, so that it wasn't slicked back.

For a second there I thought Lois was going to put the blanket on him when she got on the trash cans. At least she waited for the privacy of their room.

You know, if Clark *wasn't* Superman, I think he might become kind of annoyed by Lois constantly shoving him into the role of her favorite hero. I was a bit surprised that he didn't opt out of the wet S t-shirt and return to his other t-shirt after the rescue (or no shirt at all). Also, what was Clark wearing when they went to the beach? You mention he had his jacket tied around his waist when they returned to the room, and that he was wearing red shorts (I'm picturing 1960s style shorty swim shorts here - especially with Lois associating the shorts and blue shirt together - but you probably mean knee-length khakis type shorts, right? In Red, though?) I'm having difficulty picturing his professional attire he wore to the meetings before their lunch. I figured he had been in slacks. Were the red shorts under his slacks? Or did he go back to the room to change, and if he did, why did he bring a jacket? It wouldn't have been cold.

Poor Clark. Trying to make their relationship romantic and Lois isn't quite there yet. I hope she doesn't lay into him with her realization because... well, it's his birthday. She can yell at him the next day.

One thing confused me though, in this part:
“… we will be landing shortly. Please remain seated and thank you for flying with us.” Lois looked up to see the seatbelt light flashing on. Glancing to Clark she saw that he was already strapped in. 'Typical of Clark and his boy scout ways,' she thought.
Why wouldn't he already be strapped in, being that everyone is supposed to be buckled in at the beginning of the flight? Clark's the type of guy not to unbuckle his seat belt during the flight, so why would this be surprising to Lois? If this were before they took off, yes, I could understand Lois's surprise that he was already buckled in, but at the end of the flight that he was *still* using his seat belt shouldn't have surprised her. /also, you're missing a paragraph break after this line/

I'm curious how you'll have Clark escape revealing himself now that Lois has given him a cape. wink

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.