I had intended to finish this right away, but it's going to take me a little while. We were tail-ended by a teen driver on July 4th and rammed into the car ahead of us, while sitting at a stop light. I got a whiplash out of it. At first, it seemed as if there was no more damage, except a sore neck, but a month later I woke up with my back and neck in spasms. After fighting with our HMO for a month, somebody finally decided that maybe they had better take a look and see what the problem was. I had an MRI on Thursday, and it appears I have a herniated disk, which probably explains why the problem is slowly getting worse rather than better.

Anyway, to make a long story short (too late, I know <g>) I'm supposed to talk to an orthopedic surgeon next week.

In the meantime, even sitting at my computer is pretty uncomfortable. Also an aching left arm with numb streaks and a completely numb thumb and tingling fingers makes typing a little difficult. I can type, obviously, but it means I can only do a little at a time before I have to stop and rest my arm, neck and back.

I'm going to get the story finished, but it's going to take a little more time than I expected. With luck, maybe it will be finished in time for Halloween.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.