Oh! Sorry I finally got around to writing this comment.

“Leave the girl alone.” Matilda came to Becky’s defense. “She’s probably never had a decent meal in her life. Besides, what does it matter? She’ll be dead in a week anyway.”

At this, Becky went white. She choked on her mouthful of food for a moment, then dropped her spoon and ran from the table.
Poor thing! Imagine knowing that you are too weak and sickly to compete in the games. Knowing your life is ticking away. This child should be in school, not fighting for her life in the games. What a revolting government the Capitolites are!

Clark’s attention was drawn for a moment to the female tribute from District 3, a pretty brunette who faced the audience with her chin raised proudly, her eyes defiant. That girl isn’t going down without a fight, he thought to himself.

In the end, he tucked himself tightly into bed so he wouldn’t float when he fell asleep.

Sleep never came to him, though. Clark lay awake the whole night, staring at the ceiling and dreading the days to come.
With valid reason....


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.