When Clark asked about Lois's surname and took a drink, I was expecting that to be a setup for him to choke and spit his drink everywhere when he recognized her name. I'm conflicted between being disappointed that she didn't tell him and glad that she stayed in character by not telling him. She has every reason to expect that he wouldn't recognize her name, so him knowing it doesn't help anything, but not telling him helps her keep that part of her life in the past.

I was also wondering whether she'd mention Perry's name. Even just his first name should, along with her description of him, make Clark think it could be Perry White. Since Clark mentioned his parents' names, it didn't seem far-fetched that she would name Perry.

I assume that sooner or later Clark will figure out who she is. You're just teasing us by letting them get so close to a reveal without going through with it. smile

I wonder whether Clark would ever "feel" divorced without going through it legally in America. He's feeling more disconnected from Lana in this chapter, but would there be a nagging guilt in the back of his mind if he got involved with Lois without ever legally divorcing Lana? Assuming he gets his powers back, he could fly back and deal with it so that he can marry Lois with a clear conscience (also assuming that he tells her he's an alien and she's fine with it). I guess he might not want to do that, though, because he'd be afraid of Tempus attacking him again or getting arrested for beating Lana. He knows that he never hurt her, but it's probably difficult to prove that, especially if she can get some friends to lie for her about having seen bruises. It's simpler for him all around to just stay in Africa and never go back and deal with Lana.

Or maybe he can be declared divorced by Bangala law or tradition and that would satisfy his conscience.

Speaking of Lana, I've wondered this whole time whether her baby-daddy is Tempus, just because he'd want to mess with Clark like that. I can also see Tempus wanting her to wait to tell Clark that the baby isn't his so that Clark can get so excited about being a dad and have that ripped away from him. I've also wondered whether she actually knows that the baby isn't Clark's, or whether she just assumes that, or whether she thinks it might be his (or knows that it is) and just wants to have nothing to do with him anymore.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)