An interesting alt-verse. But I can see the potentials.

A slightly older Jimmy Olsen with a little more ambition (enough to have a Chemistry major) and a lot less friendliness. Now, mix in an attraction to Lois and a situation that leads him to believe that he had been establishing a foundation for a more intimate relationship. Now bring in Clark who effortlessly takes Jimmy's perceived future - both professional and personal.

I can see it. Clearly a very different universe than canon.

To be honest, when I finished the story I went back to the top expecting to see (1/x) instead of (1/1). There just feels like there should be more here.

Q1: Was Clark's timing in being friendly to Jimmy pure coincidence?
Q2: Why would Clark invite him to be a roommate?
Q3: Is it possible that in this verse, Clark isn't Superman?
Q4: What next?

Still, an interesting look into what jealousy can do.