Okay, last chapter is in, epilogue is almost here, but we have comments! Let's get to them.

Thanks for the compliment, AndyG. Hope you like the wrap-up as well.

Hey, Tank, thanks for reading and commenting! Yes, there are consequences coming, but I'm not sure the hair scenario you suggested will make it into the final cut (pun intended). Sometimes I feel as if Lois' commitment to truth and justice - which is just as powerful as Superman's - gets short shrift in fanfic, even when she's the central character. Not always, of course, but I like to see Lois driven to do all kinds of things for the right reasons, even if the things she does cross the line.

KenJ, your concern is addressed in the epilogue. But I'm unfamiliar with the term "glims" in this context. Could you or someone else enlighten me?

I watched part of the first video, Frame. I agree that it's a bad idea to talk to the police about an unsolved crime without legal representation, but to tell people NEVER to talk to the police is going a bit too far, I believe. However, there is a confrontation between Lois and Mayson - may not, however, be the one you were hoping for.

John, you're right about Mayson. One thing that's canon is that she's honest as they come. Also unrealistic about any relationship with Clark, but that's another story.

Morgana, I see we're on the same page with respect to Mayson's character. And you may toss in your tuppence whenever you so choose!

Mouse, I thought about a sequel - briefly - but my muses have ADOS (Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny!) and couldn't be bothered right now. Maybe later, but I make no promises.

Interesting speculation about Lois going to jail, Virginia. I can see that happening. Of course, you can see what my muses gave me in the epilogue, so, there we go with that.

I didn't think Clark "coaxed" Lois into shooting at Lex' feet. Didn't Lex himself say that there was no reason for the police to enter the building? And didn't Lois pull the trigger in response to his statement?

As to the DA charging Lois with assault and attempted murder, such charges can be filed without the victim's testimony, but there must be some corroborating evidence to do so. And we'll find out about that testimony and evidence in the epilogue.

Lois called Clark "darling?" I guess she was under more stress than I thought.

And I want to thank you again, Virginia, for adding my story to the A-Plot challenge. I never thought about this tale qualifying, but it really does. Thank you for thinking of that for me.

Epilogue up in moments! Stay tuned!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing