Oh, wow, more feedbacks!

AmyPrime, I'm glad you found the hunt for Lois an unexpected twist. It will pervade the rest of the story but not dominate it.

VirginiaR, having a superhero on your side is a definite advantage, but remember that there are places he can't go to learn information. And to have Superman dedicate himself to a search for Lois would be counterproductive to both his public mission and his apparent lack of private life. And since Louis Lanier is a guy, well that would indeed be a whole different story.

MissyG, I'm glad you like it so far. Adult tigers are extremely strong, but I don't think any tiger could take Mad Dog Lane in an urban setting.

mrsMxyxptlk, the "requirement" you reference is a law which (as far as I know) exists in all fifty US states. It makes the tracking of wounded criminals a little easier.

Next chapter up soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing