
Eeep! And that's where you leave us!
I wanted to give you time to think about what happens next!

Ken Clark might need his strength ...

Amy I sent Lois back to the village because I wanted to show how out of place Clark is feeling. This Clark never really settled on earth, but the African jungle is different again. He was jumping at shadows.

Laura smile

Kate Yep, Clark can see everything he's ever wanted ... right in front of him.

rkn Superpowers ... uhm.

Hannah Lois is rescuing Kent. No comment regarding other rescues that might happen wink


She's pushing down her natural instinct as a mother to protect her son to reassure this stranger of her trust, and that worries me.
Perhaps her natural instinct as a mother says her son is safe with Kent.

Yes, I know I'm being paranoid, but sadly in this day and age, that's part of being a mother and protecting one's children.
This story isn't set in this day and age. It's not even set in this universe.

True, it's possible that this Lois never learned this fact about herself as canon Lois did with Lex, which might explain her taking this risk with HER OWN SON.
HER OWN SON - perhaps part of protecting her son is not contributing to a society where all men are viewed with suspicion and mistrust, simply because they happen to be men.

Would you have been as uncomfortable if Clark was a single father who left his daughter with Lois after only knowing her a week?

Especially when we see in the final scene that a wild boar may attack at any time. What if the boar had shown up when Lois wasn't there?
The boar being close to the village is not usual, and when she left, Lois thought Romaric had killed it.

John More about Clark's ability to father a child soon.

L Maybe she finds out a whole lot of things ... eventually. smile

Thanks so much for all the FDK. The next part is up.
