Oh my gosh, how did I manage to miss this? confused I'm so glad I finally found your awesomely funny story, and enjoyed reading it very much.

She came over bearing pizza as a token of apology for their earlier argument, but Clark wasn't home. She easily broke in and settled on the sofa to wait, but he hasn’t come home in a long time and she must have fallen asleep.
One - and only one - very big surprise here - Lois came bearing a token of apology? Which universe is this?

A large figure was shadowed on the balcony's rail. It looked like a man, a big man, head cocked to the side like some giant bird.
Reading through your story again, this sentence strikes me as funny. Totally missed it in the first go. goofy

Finally she decided to do what any good mother would do – she wrapped up the egg from all sides to give it a good support and then gingerly sat on it. The egg didn’t crack and she breathed a sigh of relief.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, this is priceless!

"Doesn't reproduce this way." Lois was flushed and getting more agitated by the second.
I'm rolling with laughter. Again. Much more of this, and I'll be losing a certain body part.

"Oh, really?" Cat practically purred. "Did you fail to seduce him, again?"
Getting off track, but I love this little interplay.

In for a penny, Lois thought and said "I saw Superman… laying an egg."
I'd love to know what Clark thinks about this. rotflol

"See? See how big it is, how shiny? That's Superman's egg!" Lois was triumphant. Cat was stunned. Jimmy and Ralph's eyes nearly popped out of their heads. Clark had a very odd look on his face.
I bet he does. laugh lol laugh

At that moment a small crack appeared on the top of the egg. Then another crack and another.
[Linked Image]

Everyone held their breath as the egg gave way to… the ugliest bird Lois had ever seen.
But baby ostriches are quite cute! See?
[Linked Image]

(Still love that story, though.)

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)