Well, knowing that your stories usually have a killer punch line - most often with a bit of a surprise in it - I decided to comment as I read.

Now, though, a scent of perfectly-cooking turkey wafted up from the kitchen, and he sighed contentedly as he settled into the cushions, anticipating another mouth-watering masterpiece of a dinner. Married life was good, he reflected.
Wait, married life giving Clark perfectly cooked dinners? That only means that he isn't married to Lois. Never ever.

As if on cue, his wife came and sat beside him, putting her arms around his neck. "Hey, Honeybun," she said.
Honeybun? Must be Lana. razz Hmm, found a more fitting emote: [Linked Image]

She shook her head, frowning as she ran a finger over the soot and grime on his suit. "You know how much we wish you'd give this up," she told him.
Okay, definitely Lana. Waitaminute, we? Who's we? Lana and kids? (Please no!)

"We know," she said, giving him a sad little smile. She stood. "Go wash up and get changed," she said. "Mayson will be home any minute, and then we can eat."
Wait another minute, Mayson? As in Drake?

It took him less than a minute to shower and change into clean clothes. He resumed his place on the sofa, and was flipping through the channels when the door swung open. "Clark! Lana! I'm home!"

He shut off the TV. "Hi, honey!" he said as his other wife hung up her coat. "How was work?"
Okay, not Drake. Kent. Seriously, what's going on in this story?

"Eh," she said, leaning in for a quick kiss. "It's the same thing: all the signs point to Lois Luthor being The Boss, but she, of course, swears that she's innocent.
Wrong world, wrong world! Where is that imp from the 5th dimension when you need it? Oh, wait, it's not called Mxypltk or something any more, but Mary? Mary Potts? Things get stranger and stranger.

He was cut off by the sound of screeching tires in his driveway. He looked through the wall, and his eyebrows rose into his hair as he saw a beautiful brunette climb out of a still-running Mercedes and march, fuming, up to his front door...
Lois? What is she going to do now? Do I really want to read on? Where are we anway? New Krypton? confused

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)