
I was away for a few days -- and hurried back to catch up.

Yes, I also feel the not knowing which way you will take us, lends so much to our reading this.

And you have made Mayson an ally--someone he *could* rely upon which is what he needs. And dare I say--you've made her into someone who we *might* be able to accept as a Lois alternative. If Clark can't have alt Lois, then maybe someone who really cares and loves him would be enough.

It's sometimes quite impossible to totally realize your dreams and settling is okay. It is not the best of possible worlds, but it *is* okay. And it could become even more okay as time goes on.

This is a question of boundries and realities. Magical thinking is wonderful when the magic works--not so much when it doesn't.

Great story - the therapy continues to be right on - and Clark is gaining. He may think he's losing ground, but he's not.
