Thank you all so much. This year was almost a repeat of 2011. In that year, when I was trying to develop a story idea, I came up with the original idea of The Pub. I started working on it, but then abandoned it because at that time, it didn't meet my expectations as a V-Day story. Only after I gave up on it did I go with my second idea which turned into “Save This Dance...” This year I spent two weeks on another Pub idea only to have a similar thing happen. I had that story over half-way finished when I decided that it was not going to work as my V-Day story. So, I shelved it and turned to idea #2. And, that seems to have turned out to be a good decision. However, “Pub Revelation” will see the light of day eventually.

You are too kind. Re:
How do you do it?
Well, I was sitting next to Bev when I wrote the story. That helps. smile

Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

After reading this tasty morsel I knew I wanted to read more about this couple and I'm glad you had already written it and it was just sitting there waiting for someone to point me in the correct direction.
I'm glad you liked both this and LLMS. If things go per plan, the overall timeline will be:
1. Lois Lane Meets Clark Kent
2. Lois Lane Meets The Phantom
3. Lois Lane Meets...
4. Lois Lane Meets...
5. Lois Lane Meets Superman
I have 2, 3 and 4 planned, but I don't want to give too much away right now. It's possible that there could be others, but these are the ones I have plotted. I hope to deliver all of these this year. I think these will make a fun set. These others will have a little more A-plot than LLMCK or LLMS – at least in LLMTP and LLM#3 – but none of these are going to be A-plot-driven novels.

And for this:
Once again, I must say, I'm envious of Beverly, that a sweet man loves her so much to write such romantic stories dedicated to her. I would tell you to remind her how lucky she is, but coming from you I'm sure that would sound presumptuous. Anyway, I'm sure she already knows. Happy Valentine's Day.
I owe you. I showed this to Bev – I couldn't resist – and your kind words earned me a kiss. sloppy

Hi, John:
WRT LLMS, you said:
However on re-reading it I noticed that said photographer is never named.
I had intended it to be highly probably, but not confirmed, that the photographer in question was Clark. I always knew that I wanted to come back and tell some more of this story so I deliberately left it just slightly vague. I have been toying with how to tell the rest of this story pretty much since I finished LLMS nearly 3 years ago. Sometimes it takes a long time for the ideas to resolve themselves into story.

Queen of the Capes:
I think I really like this alternate universe.
Great! If things go per plan, you will be seeing a lot more of it this year.

can imagine the big nature documentary people trying to recruit him for TV work, and Clark having to find endless excuses not to demonstrate his techniques.
I simply never thought of that. However, there is more to the story than simply his ability to take pictures floating in front of cliffs and waterfalls. The details for that will come up along the way. smile

When the right woman comes along or the right man for that matter, everything else falls into place.
That's what makes love at first sight so grand.

Again, thank you all so much for the kind words.