Okay, I have finally finished this massive trilogy. Overall, I liked it very much. I love AU stories and this was very AU. I loved, loved that Lois got powers and was able to keep them. This means she can live along time with Clark. I wish there were more stories where Lois kept the powers. I must say, I was disappointed with the ending. I really dont like reading lois and clark with other people for very long. I stuck with the stories because I figured they would be together at some point. I just did not expect it to be basically a few paragraphs in the next to last chapter. At first I was okay with this, because there was an epilogue, but they really were not in the epilogue.

You did well at showing us Clarks feelings for Lana and Lois feeling for Lex but I really did not get much from their feelings for each other. I would have liked to have seen their thoughts at the wedding, or when they had children, or after years of being together. I really dont get that they were each other soul mates. Why? You put so much effort into Lana and Clark and Lois and Lex, that their was not much left for Lois and Clark. I feel like you put them together because this is a Lois and Clark site and thats what we like.

However, you are a great writer. Despite not liking the pairings, you wrote a great story. I did like that you made Lex a good guy. I liked the way that you changed some of the core characters and the relationships that you had the characters make.

But back to Lois and Clark. I hate to say this, but Lois and Clark were kinda boring in this story. I am a purist and hate, hate, hate when they are with anyone else. However, I think you should have let Lex and Lana live and let them be with Clark and Lois. You made their relationships with them more interesting. The letter you added of Lana that Rebecca found threw me off. I was kinda hoping Lana would not make such a large present in this story. I would have also liked to have seen his parents response to the wedding. Also would have liked to see what Lanas father would have thought. The crazy thing is, if the pairing would have been Lana and Clark and Lex and lois in the end, I would have never read the story. So am glad you put Lois and Clark together.

Anyways, congratulations on finish the trilogy. Not many authors would have finished after so many years. That is a great and awesome accomplishment to you. I really hope you will continue to write stories. I have read your other stories and have enjoyed them as well.