I got to catch up with parts 7-9 this evening - yay, me! This continues to be an enjoyable story and an intriguing universe. goofy (Yeah, that's cheating, but it's true. He said exactly what I wanted to. smile )

I'm really enjoying all the details that are coming out and how much we're learning about Lois's pre-Bangala life. I also love that she's stated in no uncertain terms that, even if she could return to her previous life, she wouldn't. I was hoping that was going to be the case -- I think you made excellent points in your earlier comments that the world Lois has left behind is very different from the canon-L&C's world, and that this is not "our" Lois. It's been clear to me from the beginning of this story that Lois is where she wants to be. And she seems comfortable and at peace, which is exactly what Clark deserves to be, too. I'm sure you have many twists and turns in mind for us/them, but put me in the camp that thinks Bengala sounds like a peaceful, wonderful, soothing place, and I hope that L&C ultimately make it their forever home. smile

Except for one detail - the one thing she had vowed she would never tell anyone.
Hee. So now we know what Lois will share with Clark near the end of the story to prove that she loves and trusts him like no one else. lol

"He was for two days," Lois said with a smile that tugged poignant yearning through Clark's heart. "But since then, I have been his mother, and he will always be my son. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone, and I can't imagine life without him."
Happy sigh. That's lovely, Corrina, just lovely. And I know I'm not the only one who thought of Martha Kent's love for her son when I read this. Wonderful parallel.

More, please. smile
