Hi, Virginia! wave

What a great ending! You tie everything together so well. We get Superman, a terrific introduction, the perfect wedding, and Tempus taken down by irony! I love it! Surpurb!
Awww, shucks! Thanks. blush

Excellient! This is why no one else could be Superman but Clark. He rises above all adversity to become the better man.
Thanks. I was worried it was a little too preachy, but I'm glad you liked it. smile

I wasn't expecting Clark's first public rescue with that header.
clap huh

This was the perfect ending to this story. I can't find fault anywhere. Excellient. I could hear each and every character's voice when they spoke (especially Clark and Tempus). Hugs! Well done. Very well done, indeed.
Wow, that's quite the compliment! Thanks so much for coming with me on this strange, twisted ride.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon