Hiya, Virginia!

Clark's alive! Martha's alive! Jonathan's alive! Trask is dead!
Hooray! Life all around!

Clark is already starting to heal with the rise of the sun! All will soon be right with the world.
World: But...but...we were promised a Superman!

I don't know how Clark would be able to go about in this universe as a Superman type hero with all these people knowing, though. The man who found the box with the poison that only hurts Clark. Plus, his now rapid recovery. These things, plus what the captured B39 members will say, will surely make Clark keeping his secret for long a difficult thing, indeed.
Only Dr. Klein, Henderson, and Lois know about Clark. The other officers don't know about him. For all they know, he could just have a very bad allergic reaction to whatever was in the box. The B39 members who are left wouldn't know about Clark's abilities. Knowledge is power, and Trask would want all the power for himself.

You built up some great suspense as they wandered through Lex's old Ark, opening door after door to empty rooms. Well done! You kept me on the edge of my seat throughout that entire section of the story.
Thank you! I'm always pleased to hear that my evilness worked! laugh

If we weren't so close to the end of your story, I feared that Clark wouldn't be found there. That B39 will haved escaped and Lois and Henderson would only find Jenson's murdered body (and possibly the Kents') left behind. I like your version better.
laugh Now, that could have been fun! But I didn't want to drag it out any longer than I already had. Poor Clark!

I'm glad they decided to trust Bernie. Although another option would have been to go to Lois's apartment (or Clark's) and then move to the hospital if the sunshine didn't start to heal him after a day or two. At least this way, Bernie Klein can be credited for a miracle cure (that didn't administer) instead of Clark credited for curing himself.
Well, I did think about having Clark completely refuse, but it just wouldn't look right if a man in such bad shape as he was didn't go to the hospital at all. Plus, it was just fun to figure out how to bring in Bernie in this universe. laugh

Is it Wednesday yet?

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon