Hi, Corrina. wave

I’m back to writing. I figured it was time to get back to reading again as well.

The knowledge of her treachery hacked through his mind like a thousand poisoned darts, seeking out all traces of the lie on which he had built his life and ruthlessly obliterating them.

Isolation coiled around him like a python, suffocating him.

He was alone. He'd always been alone. But now, his aloneness was no longer a dull ache, content to lurk in the background of his awareness, but a rearing, spitting, surging dragon of suffering that was greedily devouring his will to live.
Crazy good imagery! Makes me wonder exactly she (I assume Lana) did that created that kind of pain.

Never again would he risk being subjected to this pain. Never again would he trust a human. Never again would he love. Never again would he allow himself to be fooled into believing he could be something other than what he was.
Thus the “Once Bitten, Twice Shy” reference. Would it surprise you that when I saw the title I thought it was JAVS. (Just Another Vampire Story) I’m glad that isn’t where this goes.

…so Clark had parted with nearly a month's salary in a futile attempt to buy happiness for his wife.
Okay, so he and Lana are/were married. I still have to believe that she did more than simply leave him, but if the evidence was there, I missed it.

Clark focussed his eyes enough to read the headline - Daily Planet Reporter's Wife Tells: My Secret Life of Abuse.

"But I didn't -" Clark made a shaky lunge for the paper
Okay, Clark seemed surprised by this. Now I’m really confused as to what Lana did that triggered that opening sequence.

And because I'm a man who can appreciate irony, your body will rot near hers.
Oh, Tempus. If only you’d done a more thorough job of cross-dimensional homework, you would know how bad an idea this is. smile
