Good beginning. clap I thought it interesting that Arianna and Lex were still together. Of course, her selling his Picasso to help the needy would be grounds for divorce in Lex's books, wouldn't it?

My only question was regarding this line:
“Yes, well, I suspect *your* Miss Lane was meant to be stopped at the Airport, but something happened to prevent it. Now she can move forward with her life and you will meet her before the other Miss Lane arrives. Not only will you save her life, but prevent her from making other mistakes as well.”
Why would Tempus bring canon Lois to this dimension now that the Lois of this dimension is still alive? According to Tempus in "Tempus Anyone?" he brought Lois to alt-dimension to give Clark a reason to become Superman, because without a danger prone Lois to consistantly save, Clark has no reason to become Superman.

I'm thinking that instead of just saving alt-Lois, Herb inadvertantly set the ball moving to change alt-dimension enough so that canon Lois was never brought there. If she indeed is brought to this dimension, while there is a living breathing Lois in it, what would make alt-Clark and alt-Lois not believe that she's some imposter and/or clone? Things might go differently for alt-dimension and canon Lois entirely. Possibly to the point of never being able to return to her home dimension. (See " Through the Window " and " And Back Again " by CC Aiken for that scenario).

Was she taken to another dimension with no Lois? Or somewhere else? Also, this means alt-Clark won't be around be brought to canon dimension to save it from Tempus during the John Doe arc.

You've set up an interesting set of events. Can't wait to see where you take them.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.