Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Awwwww. What a great Christmas present for the Kents! He's sure developing his powers early. Only 12. Hopefully in this dimension the Kents didn't die in 1976, like in alt-dimension.

Yea! smile1 He's away. Poor 'S'. I just want to give him a hug. I think it's so sad that his family crest is now considered a symbol of B39 to him and his captivity.

Can't wait for more! hyper

<post early, post early, post early> [Linked Image]
Hi, Virginia!

Yes, his powers are coming in early. I borrowed what I could from the little the show told us. Alt Clark said he was 10 and getting fast, but bot fast enough to save his folks. Martha said Clark was 13 when he started doing the heavy lifting, but indicated that he was getting strong before that. This Clark, like ours, won't fly until he's 18. Martha also says to Lois that Clark chose (I think around 13) to never let anyone know he was different, which indicates more than one power manifesting by then, at least to me. The rest I made come in according to my own timetable. Of course, it's always possible that dire circumstances pushed his powers to manifest a little on the earlier side. wink

More soon - I promise! Look for an update late Wed or early, early Thrus. My best friend is getting married on Friday, so I'll be swamped with rehearsal/wedding stuff, which means earlier posting from me! laugh

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon