Thanks to DC, for creating the new list.
You're quite welcome! Look for a winter/holiday challenge to pop up soon (I want to give people plenty of time with the holidays and everything).

"Look, Mommy! Look! Look!"
So...Clark Jr? Lois Jr?

Lois turned and faced her little boy with a look of surprise.

It was Jonny's third week of kindergarten, and already he'd been complaining of jealousy towards his fellow classmates who'd begun to lose their baby teeth.
Hmm...seems maybe a bit early. I was going to guess "super genetics" on this one.

Lois chuckled silently to herself at his competitiveness-- definitely a Lane trait. Knowing her son, he'd probably been working at that tooth since the first time he heard another kid mention the idea.

from kicking at the most inopportune moments,
So, he didn't let Lois speak when she won her Pulitzer then?

What would teenage Jonathan be like?
With any luck - a lot like his Daddy.

She couldn't actually tell whether the tooth was loose or not.

he was ambushed by a bounding ball of speed and excitement.
And that's just cause he's a kid, forget the super genes! wink

And Grandma has a very special, super-secret solution for getting out loose teeth.
Super-sticky caramel apples? wink

He'd considered trying to reach Grandma Martha, but he wasn't allowed to use the phone, and he didn't know their number anyway.
No speed dial then? wink

Uncle Jimmy didn't have any idea what they were talking about-- and he'd asked several times now during today's babysitting venture, with no result.
laugh Poor Jimmy!

The cry that broke his heart and scared him half to death.
So...what did Jon do to himself?

Whatever or whoever was hurting him would be in for a world of hurt when he found him.
See, now that's that Kryptonian instinct Ching was trying to bring out in him when prepping him to dual with Nor... wink

"Mommy and Daddy awe at work still. Unca Jimmy's hewe with Ella, but I sneaked away to find you," he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, a mischievious grin alighting his face.
Oh boy.

Then the fire was back in him, all traces of embarrassment gone.
Yup. All Lane there.

There was no doubt about it-- this was Lois Lane's son.
Hey! I just said that! laugh

Jonathan crossed his arms over his chest Superman style and gave the hero a suspicious Lane glare. "What's so funny, Supaman?"

"You could punch me!"
Ahahahahahahahaha! <computer monitor would be covered in liquid if I was drinking anything at the moment>

Lois would have killed me if anything had happened to him-- and they wouldn't find a body, you know--"
Seriously ROTFLMAO here.

"Gwandmaaaaaaa!" he sing-songed as he knocked on the screen door.
And just like that, Superman is forgotten. Hehehe!

Clark chuckled as Martha spoke, "He's such a funny young thing. Cares more about that loose tooth than Superman himself."
Well, a loose tooth *is* a rite of passage.

Jonathan thought about it and decided that dessert took priority over his tooth.
Of course, dessert *is* very important too.

On it sat the biggest, gooiest caramel apple he'd ever seen.
jawdrop I swear, I did NOT read ahead when making the caramel apple joke earlier!

Embedded in the caramel, just where he had tried to take a bite out of the apple, was his tooth.
Here I thought he was gonna close his eyes and Clark super speed/yank it out. wink

"Can we get, like, a hundwed of these to go? I got a lot more teeth to get out."
Awww! Too cute! Great job, Mouse! Please, tell me you have more ideas floating around with that wonderful muse of yours!

A/N: This is in response to Deadly Chackram's Fall Ficathon Challenge- Prompt #28: Caramel Apples.
Ha! I totally forgot about that prompt!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon