That weak sniveling wretch doesn't deserve a Lois Lane. He should be locked away in a deep dark hole, never to see the light of day again, and throw a little red and green kryptonite in after him just for good measure... does that sound a little harsh?

Actually, Yvonne, you are drawing your characters very well. Maybe too well. Clark is one messed up individual, but it's kind of hard to feel too sorry for him. He is Superman, and that does carry some benefits that the 'common man' doesn't enjoy.

Addiction is generally a selfish and cowardly form of coping with a bad situation. Not something you would normally associate with a super hero.

While it's true that he's lost (or more accurately, never found) is true love, that doesn't exactly make him a unique case. The world is full of people who have either never found, or have lost their 'soul mate' and the vast majority of them find a way to soldier on despite that. They find the strength to carry on. Is Clark that much weaker, or is Lois really that much more special? (Guess which way I'm leaning?). I'm not critizing your protrayal of an addicted personality and the chaos and pain it causes them and those around them. I'm just saying that it's hard to feel too sorry for them.

Tank (who thinks that Clark needs a good slap upside the head... maybe in the form of seeing what addictions can do to other people, and more importantly, what it does to those who try to love and support them)