Lynn Thanks for sticking with the rather erratic posting schedule. I'm glad you enjoyed the ending.

Happy Agree with your comment, but Clark is the type of guy who likes to dot the i's and cross the t's - particularly when it's something he *really* wants.

DC The 'awws' are never too repetitive - not when I'm trying to write WAFF!

Laura Thanks for being such a consistent reader, Laura.

Sarah If you got around to reading it, you might have discovered that it wasn't as bad as you'd feared. I got Clark out of trouble reasonably quickly. laugh

Ken No sequel. I wanted to get them over the impasse in their relationship. I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. cool

Kate Vulnerability and strength - nice combination!

Thanks, Morgana.

Michael Re the epilogue - when I was about 2/3rds through the story, I realised I needed some time to pass before tying up all the ends.

Vicki You raise the issue that I tussled with for quite a while - I wanted a happy ending, but serious stuff happened earlier in the fic. A woman died. I thought it would be out of character for Clark to just shrug it off.

Glad you liked it!


This is an outstanding story, Corrina, and my only complaint is that it's over!
As a writer, they're my favourite complaints!

And you handled Lana's situation with as much gentleness as you could, too.
Thank you. I wanted Clark to face a difficult situation, forced upon him because he's trying to live as two people. But then, I couldn't just drop the fact that someone had died.

Mouserocks Thanks for taking the time to catch up. Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks to everyone for reading and leaving such lovely FDK,
