Once again, I'm way behind on my fdk. I read this a while ago, but hadn't gotten around to commenting until now. frown

There was probably a very good reason that they were speaking civilly to her tonight. It wasn't hard to figure out that since she was the only one of the nominees to show up, her coworkers were forced to speak to her instead of Clark.
Poor Lois. I wonder if she's really right that people aren't being all that sincere with their well wishes? Meanwhile Clark gets backslaps and heartfelt congratulations.

He had hated being away for so long, but there had been so much work to do with the fundraiser. There hadn't been time to court Lois as Kal like he had first anticipated
What!?!?!? I was confused about this in Part 6. Now that my confusion is answered, I'm still left with my mouth hanging open. What in the world is Clark thinking trying to court her as Kal? He already knows she's very attracted to him as Clark. What possible benefit is he getting by confusing Lois by trying to make her love two men at once? Better to tell her who he is first and then let her decide. This way, he's just playing mind games.

He looked over the crowd to find Lois again, and catching her eye, felt his heart turning over in response. Her lips moved, and with his super hearing, he saw and heard her whisper, "Hurry up, Kent."

Resisting the urge to fly over the crowd, he picked his way slowly through the masses and was almost by her side when Perry tapped loudly on a microphone, interrupting the pianist playing in the background.

"Ahem! Everyone! You old goats stop flirting with the fillies and listen up!" Perry's voice boomed out.
Clark, get a move on! Perry! Not now! /me thwaps Perry over the head with his microphone for keeping them apart, even if it is just for a few minutes.

She was so beautiful in her classic black dress. The fabric clung to all the right places, the tiny slit on her skirt, revealing just a hint of her shapely legs. Her hair was swept up into a classic chignon with soft tendrils plucked away to soften the style, revealing an incredible expanse of kissable skin on her neck.
Ooh. Nice description! drool

The dancing couple was totally oblivious to the stares that they were generating by the others in the room. Perry's mouth was hanging open at the fire-hot connection that his top reporting team projected. He wasn't sure whether to be shouting for joy or rushing over to break them up. Lois was completely surprising him, her vexatious attitude toward her coworker was no secret to anyone and this complete turnaround had everyone in shock.
Whew! Get the fire hose. I guess the "secret" is out. smile And Perry, shout for joy!

Out of breath, they pulled apart and found everyone was staring at them. Clark stood there blushing with his mouth open as Lois grabbed his face with both hands, looked at everyone smugly, and kissed him soundly on the lips once more. Collecting herself, she straightened her dress and swiftly left the room.
I'm left wondering exactly what Lois is thinking at this moment. If she's scared, she would have just run without giving him a farewell kiss. On the other hand, both Perry and Clark seem to think she's scared. Guess we'll find out in the next section just what Lois was thinking when she ran out.

Tired of secrets, duel identities and unwanted promises he couldn't keep. It was time to end this: first as Clark, then as Kal.
Yes! It's about time. Tell her, Clark!

Waiting patiently, okay impatiently, for Part 8 now!

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin