Kate Thanks, Kate. A bit of shopping, a nice walk, and a game of footy. Great day!

Christina Glad it finally makes sense!


About 15-20 years with good behavior. Say, given that he’s a foreign dignitary and everything, could he claim diplomatic immunity?

Clark, you dolt! Or did Corrina, too, only just remember that he’s given the jacket *with* the gun to the police? Like us poor readers who kind of forgot about the gun stuck in the pocket?
How Clark dealt with the gun wasn't his finest moment, but he wasn't stupid enough to leave it in the jacket he gave to the police. cool

Vicki I think I posted the next part only a few hours after your post, Vicki!

DC You seem to approve of Lois and Clark crashing their way through some of the misunderstanding. smile

Thanks for reading and leaving such nice feedback, everyone.
