Wolfe snatched back the baton. "So you have no idea where she is or where we could find her?"
No, but if you let Clark go, perhaps he could find her. Or you know, at least put a detail of officers covertly on Lois.

"Are you trying to suggest motive?" he said. "Or trying to subtly plant the idea that Lana Lang is capable of violence?"

"You have no way to corroborate your 'there was a woman in my apartment' story?"
Um, yes you do, Clark! Lana's stuff in your place.

"No," Wolfe snapped. "You've told us where you weren't and what you didn't do."
He's got a point.

Wolfe was right.

Clark lied a little every time he reported on Superman's activities using the third person.
Very true.

"We have established opportunity," Wolfe said. "We have motive. We have witness statements. You have no alibi. You have no proof that you weren't present when Ms Drake was murdered. You have given us nothing to doubt our case against you."

And as for Lois ... after the Luthor debacle, she was going to wonder if anyone could be trusted.
So true. You know, if she didn't believe whole heartedly that Clark is innocent.

"Perhaps it's the enigmatic Lana Lang," Wolfe said with cutting derision. "You come with me, Henderson." He headed for the door, glancing over his shoulder at the third cop. "You stay here."
Poor Clark. Although I suspect Lois is there.

Wolfe had already tied Clark and Superman together as joint culprits. Revealing that Clark Kent and Superman were one and the same would give Clark an explanation for his non-attendance at the police station throughout the night hours, but it wasn't going to prove that Clark Kent hadn't shot Mayson Drake.
Well, wouldn't it? When Mayson was killed he was saving a kid, wasn't he? Or do I have my timeline screwed up?

"And I'm here to stop you from charging an innocent man," Lois retorted.

"How does a man with such appalling taste in ties manage to have three women chasing after him?"

So if the threats were real, Clark would tell her. Perhaps that was the reason behind Wolfe's change of tactic - the hope that Clark would be more forthcoming to Lois than he'd been in the interview room.
<wonders if Clark will tell Lois that he's Supes>

"If Wolfe is releasing Clark because he thinks I'll conduct his investigation for him, he's going to be very disappointed," Lois said sharply.
<claps gleefully>

He'd admitted there was someone else. And Henderson was sure that woman was sitting on the other side of his desk.
Yay! Henderson's intelligence is back!

A tiny smile erupted from Lois's seriousness. "Clark didn't kill Mayson," she said. "I know he didn't. You suspect he didn't. And even Wolfe has his doubts."
Plus, you just don't mess with Mad Dog Lane.

Wolfe stood. "OK." He turned to the other cop. "Can you escort Mr Kent to the holding cell?" He opened the door. "And tell Ms Lane that Mr Kent has decided he prefers our company to hers."

Clark fell into step beside her, feeling as if he were trapped in a dream. They passed the front desk, and the dream quickly became a nightmare when he looked through the glass doors and saw a crowd of people congregated there.
Yup. Was wondering when word would get out.

He figured from her expression that he was on the verge of trouble for even asking the question.

"Because I know you, Clark. You can be one of the most frustrating people to walk on this planet, but you don't kill and you don't run away."

Oooh! Clark's with Lois! Things are getting better!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon