Michael: Almost there. dance By the time I catch up on my FDKing it will be time to post 24.

Well, Superman is an alien creature. He might be the Tribble kind of alien creature instead of the Alien Queen kind. But still.
Well, those tribbles are quite addicting in a cute and adorable way. We should get one for Cat... Of course, it might mean that in a month's time she'll come to work with a new tribble coat... so maybe not.

/waits for a bad guy to pull out the How To Be An Evil Overlord manual and foil the good guys for good/
But he leant his copy to Luthor!

Actually, Clark would focus his energy on floating. And rescuing Lois.
It might be a dead giveaway if he starts talking to himself.

It’s like that one time she caught her father and Mrs. Delcampo wrestling in her pool house.
No, that was too much VISUAL information.

She likes a firm man. Wouldn’t admit it out loud, but she does. Especially Superman. He has very firm abs and…other muscles.
Thighs? Brain?

See? Now it’s not potential but full on life partner. She’s getting more cuckoo by the minute.
But... but... but... before Tempus came along they were well on their way to becoming like boyfriend and girlfriend!

I think they said the same thing to the monkeys they put on that rocket once.
Why don't I think I want to know what happened to those monkeys?

Aaaaand your point is?
CLARK: Throw me from the plane, Lois is human and I'm not.

Will Lois and Clark notice that there’s two factions involved in this episode? This is why they’re doing them sequentially on TV. It causes less confusion for the characters.
Probably, but why they stop thinking about B39 coming after Superman is beyond me.

/imagines Lois telling Trask that she’s trying.
Not in so many words...

He isn’t the brightest 1W bulb in the shop, is he?
Nope. Canon Clark has him beat. Sorry, folks.

What if she will believe it herself?
Um.... Lois has never kissed Superman.

/squints eyes/ Do I remember this correct that you mentioned no trip to the dark side for PML? Because considering this scene, how could you not? :
[Linked Image]

Even if Lois confesses her kiss to Superman?
Superman doesn't consider that metrosexual any competition.

So, field trip to Nowheresville to kiss all the men of eligible age? /imagines scene similar to that of Tempus Fugitive, with the townsfolk remarking on her status as a ‘dancer’.
In 1966, possbily.

Quite like this one, actually. Maybe with a distinct vanishing of kneecaps *and* jeans.
I wonder if she'll ever find out.

Ooooh! She found his love nest.

Well, there’s no charred bits of finely ground Superman raining down, so, no.
Maybe he was vaporized.

Oh. And here I thought ‘Clark’.
Don't worry, so did Clark.

Superman likes threesomes?
Mind control?

So, that’s why he’s so against junk food?
Um... no.

This is going to soooo go <Titantic>
Maybe, a little bit. Or they could live happily ever after. Nah... That doesn't sound like me.

I thought she was Superman-glowing, not just faking it.
What? You thought that she thought CK=S? Nah! Those guys don't look anything alike. CK wears glasses, and Supes has slicked back hair.

Oh, yes, he can. Just wait till he dumps ya, pumpkin, for a safer future.
A safer future with Zara?

Right. That’s worse than what I chose to remember.

He could try to dress up as Superman and ring her doorbell? Maybe then he will be allowed to ‘ring her doorbell’?
Probably. But when she learns otherwise... oh, right, she wouldn't think that was funny. US, on the other hand...

That could have been fun. Wait. Did he do this in Green-Eyed Monster?
Nope. But that Lois didn't wear rose-colored glasses.

She’s a tad condescending, isn’t she?
Well, yeah. But her career is everything, so shouldn't his be? She's a battle scarred vetern (Perry's words, not mine) and Clark's a newbie.

What about the Honeymoon Suite? And during Crush? And will she shlobber him when she’s high?
Have you ever heard the sayings "famous last words"? Or "never say never"?

That’s not a scoop. Nothing more surprising than a corrupt politician.
But the call-girls always seem to surprise someone on staff... say the wife.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.