
Thanks for the comments. I haven't really gotten to the boards much lately. I am working on getting my fic ready for the archive so have been reviewing other comments.

Great part and interesting way of getting Luthor to Clark's palace. I'm glad that Lois didn't make Clrk wait forever, but it's too bad, naturally, that Luthor followed her.
True but things had to come to a head somehow wink .

I liked a lot of the imagery in here. A clever misdirection making us think we were safe when he left the ring behind. It was very insightful to illustrate how terrifying it'd be for Clark to FALL as opposed to fly; very interesting and not something I'd thought of overtly before.
I'm glad you liked the imagery. It all came together pretty easily actually as I thought about it. I used to have dreams where I could fly but would suddenly be unable to fly and fall (I mean ages ago I was a teenager I think) so that might have helped inspire that as well.

I've never felt so accepted in all my life. These people look deep within my soul and assign me a number based on the order in which I joined.