Thanks for the comments. Next part is about to come up.


I thought you said in Part 1 that Clark's staff hadn't abandoned the castle, but this sounds like Clark lives there alone, keeping it maintained and clean with his abilities.
I'll have to check again, but I'm pretty sure he chased them all away because he was transforming and later everyone assumed the Beast had killed him.

BTW, the rose is based on Sterling Roses, the ones in the film "Bed of Roses". IIRC, they're a more recent (19th century) hybrid and I wanted something that wouldn't really have existed, sort of a magical rose.

Picture of Sterling Rose

As for Ellen, well I had to make Sam more of a devoted father for the story to work, and of course the mother always seems to be missing in fairytales, so I turned the event into a wake up call to change his ways.

Everyone is afraid of Lex, because people who don't get in his way have a way of disappearing.

Yes, Clark's hearing is a problem, so he was out, simple solution wink .

Yep, he's falling into that old trap. If you let people think that you're a beast, you'll end up acting like one eventually to prove them right.
It's true people often become what is expected of them.

(If the beast had been in silouhette, how did he know it was a "hideous beast"?)
I may have to rework a bit of this so it fits better. Either here or the confrontation I guess.

On your new posting schedule. It will make it even easier to procrastinate writing my own story.
Well not much I can say about that, I started this story oh, a decade ago and just finished. Of course most of that was spent not even touching it.


No promises evil .

I'm curious about one thing: how is Clark ruling the kingdom? Or did the council take over?
Yes the council is ruling with Clark presumed dead, killed by the Beast. I may have to work that in a bit better.

I've never felt so accepted in all my life. These people look deep within my soul and assign me a number based on the order in which I joined.