Great little story, Virginia! Also read this yesterday while stranded with broken car in the middle of the worst part of Sacramento... but it could have been worse. I could have been stranded in either Richmond or downtown Oakland- both definite possibilities considering my driving route. (Those of you with any knowledge of California will know exactly what I mean when I say "bad areas"). Anyways. I'm finally getting around to catching up on all my commenting, so here we go!
For once he was so engrossed in what he was reading that when she joined him he didn’t acknowledge her beyond a friendly smile before returning to the story.
Well, there's a first time for everything.
“Stories like this give me hope,” he explained.

“Superman gives me hope,” Lois rebutted. “This sentimental stuff is a waste of newsprint.”
Oh, Lois. We all know you're as much of a sentimental softy as the worst of us. goofy
“I’m glad Superman gives you hope, Lois, but some of us need to get our good news elsewhere, even if it’s a chuckle from Cat’s Corner or following someone’s search for love in the Personals.”
That's actually a really interesting point. Superman stories probably aren't that much of an encouragement to Clark- they likely either bring up bad memories or just in general make him uncomfortable. Sure, he probably feels some measure of pride from them, but not uplifted, really. He can't quite inspire himself. Not to mention the fact that Clark's a sentimental softy anyways and would (regardless of the alter-ego) probably prefer the anniversary announcements.
“I was just wondering if you read the entire paper – cover to cover – every article, blurb, and correction?” Lois inquired, though her mind had been nowhere near the topic.
No. Her mind was somewhere between Clark and rule number three, and most likely the breaking of said rule. laugh
“Thank you,” he said to the waitress.
Ah, Clark. Thanking the waitress for Lois' request. At least Lois' better half has some manners.
“For two people in the news business you are oblivious to real life, aren’t you?” Jimmy said with a shake of his head. At their blank expressions, he clarified, “St. Patrick’s Day.”
“Clark Kent in love,” she replied, turning away to answer her phone, before she had a chance to shoot him a mischievous grin.
Has he been too subtle? I didn't think so, but love is blind...

Lex had ordered lobster for her – not one of her favorite seafood – he had just assumed she would like it without asking. The violin music, though beautiful, made it difficult for them to converse more than a few sentences at a time. The helicopter ride had been exhilarating, but cold for February – and although Lex had offered her the use of his overcoat – there wasn’t really anything she could do to fix her hair she had spent forty-five minutes on before he had picked her up. The earrings were exquisite but not at all her style or taste. She couldn’t imagine where she would ever wear them. Maybe the next time Lex held a ball? Possibly the next Kerth Award banquet? And sapphires? She hardly ever wore blue. She didn’t even want to think of the white chocolate mousse.
Wait for it...
Clark would never have made those mistakes.
And there it is. The aha! moment. Finally. At least it's not taking her another season to realize it. laugh

By the way, that entire passage is really sweet and very well written.
Why had Clark bought her a flower? A pink flower?
Why indeed?
“I know how you feel about wearing something specifically green today, but after Wally pinched your arm earlier, I thought you wouldn’t mind this – before Ralph got any crazy ideas.” His eyes widened in trepidation. “I’m not too late, am I?”
OH. laugh
“For what? Saving Ralph’s life?” He gestured in an off-hand manner as she had earlier. “It’s nothing.”
She had warned him then not to fall for her, but when did he ever listen?
Never. Surprisingly, super hearing doesn't seem to help out in this regard. Perhaps it's selective super-hearing?
The smile fell off Lois’s face as she quickly reviewed all the horrible, insensitive, mean, petty, and vindictive things she had ever said and done to Clark since she had met him. She couldn’t think of one positive aspect she brought to their friendship.
Aw, don't be so hard on yourself, Lois. You bring a lot to the relationship. Heck, you brought in Superman! But... I don't think you were supposed to know that yet... um, surprise?

Again, that was another great passage of writing.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain