Hi Virginia,

Oops. You caught me. blush blush blush

I hadn't remembered until after I posted the photo that Dean's (and hence, presumably, Superman's) outfit was all one piece.

But I think you are right that the story is still salvageable. Since this story does take place so early in the show (Whew!), and since the show itself (and hence, we may assume, since Clark and Martha) had been working on various costume designs, Clark could well have had a two piece outfit (three, counting the cape) at that time. Thanks for the save!

And this is precisely why I wait a couple of weeks after I post a story before I consider sending it to the archive. I've changed the first part of the story to read:

Clark flew toward the alley near the Daily Planet to change back into his civilian clothes. He had only been Superman for a few weeks, and would be glad to get out of the tight-fitting costume. The elastic on the pants was especially uncomfortable. His Mom had made it last night as a variant on the one-piece outfit he had been wearing. She was visiting him for a few days to do some city shopping and thought she'd use their time together at night to try a different suit style.

A quick scan revealed that the alley wasn't empty.
I then deleted the part about Martha being in town from later in the story.


Thanks for pointing out the faux pas. I really do mean what I say about all comments being welcome. Never worry about giving me constructive criticism; after all, I have a doctorate. One can't survive the dissertation-writing process without developing a thick skin. smile
