Um... Yeah, being that Eduardo works for the same newspaper as Kent and Lane, I'm doubting it. And you promised something to make sense in the final part and I'm still waiting for that.

Of course, that the tabloid reporters searched L&C's apartment in search of her birth control pills and lingerie. Yeah, that makes sense, but not in a hopeful way.

That the other tabloid reporters, the ones in Smallville, which such idiots that none of them realized that their tires were not actually slashed. That also makes sense, but I have a strange feeling that Nunk and Lamont weren't on that bus to Wichita... so again not hopeful.

That Clark realized that the surgery on Church would take place the next day and Henderson is going in to save Baby Rage, hopeful - yes, makes sense - yes... but only for Baby Rage who thankfully isn't the hero of this story. So, no. Again, that is not reason to stop writing... posting.

That M&J outsmarted a group of hungry, tired, tabloid reporters again makes sense and is a bit hopeful... Nunk and Lamont were again not mentioned, therefore making me more nervous than hopeful.

That Lois and Clark finally realized that their change in celebity status also affected their friends (and possbily co-workers) makes sense and is hopeful, but not hopeful in that all makes sense in the world again.

That L&C would make love on the couch next to a taped up window only covered by a blanket, neither makes sense nor bodes well for the future. Although might make them very happy for the moment (or shall we say evening thumbsup ) they should also remember that Lois's birth control pills were compromised in the break-in eek and act accordingly. Unfortunately, since this was not aluded to, so will things only start making sense 6 weeks from this evening when Lois realizes she's pregnant? And turns to Clark and says "Duh!" thumbsup That it still hasn't come out that she tried to blackmail Superman frown (of course, that news would only make sense if Mayson's story is true, which L&C don't want to come out). The publication of this story is hopeful. True. That no one will read it when it isn't slanderous trash also makes sense. When it comes to the tabloids, not even proof will disuade them. So.... Will this stop the hounddogs? I doubt it. For some reason they still think we care about Lindsey Lohan though she hasn't done any real acting in YEARS (Correction: She hasn't done any decent professional acting on stage or screen in YEARS; in the courtroom is another venue entirely.)

So to sum up. Some things hopeful, but not enough. Some things make sense but not in a hopeful fashion. SO PLEASE KEEP POSTING THIS STORY! clap

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.