Read the first two parts of this episode tonight and ... yeah, you totally flummoxed me! Never did I expect you to take the series in this direction ... though enough of it doesn't "make sense" that I find myself wondering what the twist is going to be that fixes all of this. Or explains it. Or ... or ... oh, who the heck cares, I'm along for the ride regardless. goofy

As for Lois and her Faraday Leak saving the man's life in the hospital ... LOL, Lois is Chuck!!!! Clearly Faraday invented the Intersect a decade and a half before Chuck's father did and Lois is now going to turn into a super-spy. thumbsup )

As for Mayson ... oh, Mayson, I'm beyond disappointed. Now I want to slap you into next Thursday! However this plotline resolves itself, I really hope she gets what's coming to her. wildguy (Though as for Lois and Clark, Virginia and I clearly have very different views on who is at fault ... I'm half ready to slap Lois, too, for her part in their fight. Yes, he was wrong, but his entire world has just been torn apart TWICE in 10 minutes, and she is showing absolutely no sympathy or understanding. Just as well she turned him down ... she's clearly not mature enough to get married yet. :p )

So ... 11:57 pm by my clock ... I wonder if I go brush my teeth, the next chapter will be up by the time I get back. wink
