Ooooh, Martha's going to be in so much troooouble. clap I love it!!!

Poor stubborn Clark thinking only that one thing can cure him. His depression is heartwrenching.

her son lying out in the back yard, staring blindly towards the setting sun. He spent all day, every day, doing the same thing - waiting for the magical powers he got from the sun to heal his eyes. With snow all around him, and wearing only a pair of shorts, he certainly did paint quite a picture
Sometimes those Kent men need a woman to kick them in the head. I'm so glad Martha has taken it on herself to do just that! wildguy

Me thinks that Clark's not going to be happy when Lois shows up and he's looking like this:

Or wash clothes who simply wears the same pair of grubby shorts every day. The only thing Clark would do for himself was to slip on the same pair of shorts, stumble his way to the lawn chair they had set out for him in the back yard in the morning and shuffle his way back to bed in the evening. Occasionally, he might throw in a shower for good measure - although not often enough to Martha’s way of thinking.
Let's hope this was one of those days he decided to shower. wink

Lex was resurrected! Yikes! Glad that it didn't even register on Lois's heart-o-meter. Diana Stride never found out about CK=S, phew!

I am disappointed by one thing, though... That I have to wait another 24 hours!!! before the next part is posted! ARRRGH! Sigh.

PS: Is 8 the number of parts for the entire story or just "episode 1"?

PPS: M&J found Clark at dusk, not late at night. (I watched Tempus Fugitive recently... actually, I was just about to turn it on again to do some research.)

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.