Joan, thank you. Now you know why I had asked in the fanfic-related folder for anything Superman may have said on TV. I needed a good quote for the story.

RKN, thanks. smile

Stephnachia, when Andy was first diagnosed, his neurologist directed me to read some of Temple Grandin's books. That was one of the best pieces of advice anyone gave me. Her books were insightful, educational, and inspirational.

Laura, 'touching' seems to be a common thread in the feedback, and that pleases me no end. smile

Annalina, Adam is lucky to have such an adoring big sister.

DW, thank you. I'm glad the story struck a good balance for you. As I am sure is obvious, this story holds a special significance to me; it will undoubtedly remain as one of my personal favourites of my own stories. But I knew that in the interests of trying to promote autism awareness, I ran the risk of having the story sound a bit preachy. I tried hard to avoid that trap. I'm glad I succeeded.

Thanks everyone for the feedback. I always love to receive comments on any story I write, but I am especially appreciative of the comments left for this one.
