I had to laugh at the comment about planes crashing once upon a time being more of a news item than just a blip! laugh

I KNEW something more was going on, though I admit that I definitely thought it was a villain sort of thing. And maybe it still is. After all, if Luthor had managed to somehow change the globe's message to cause him pain and keep him from Luthor...? Don't know if that's reaching or not, but it's a theory.

On the other hand, I love how you showed Lois's revelation that Clark had more to tell her than that he was Superman. Actually, when you flashed back to his headache, I had this terrible thought that he was sick with some disease that was slowly killing him. After all, he's tired, he looks exhausted, he's been acting strangely...again, maybe nothing, but I wondered.

And they are sharing dreams! And how funny that Lois immediately latches onto that, her investigative intuition coming through.

So, I can see, with this piece of information, why Clark would not tell her he loved her on the park bench. And I can even see why he started dating Mayson, trying to forestall Lois since her confession to Superman that she missed Clark and felt more for him than friendship would have alerted him to that. I feel kind of bad for the poor guy, but I'm glad this is out in the open now. Usually, when they both start working on a problem together, they find a solution.

And there is HG Wells. Is he here to either correct the false assumption or give them some way out?

Looking forward to the rest!