Missing Lois - TOC

As I have stated before, Missing Lois is my interpretation of what the writers / producers of the Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman could have done in Season 5 to keep the spark, banter, and angst of the Lois and Clark relationship going, while still working within the constraints left by introducing the baby at the end of Season 4.

Do not hate me for having had Lois cheat on Clark. But I figured if Lois ever did cheat on Clark, the only person she would do so with was Clark (i.e. alt-Clark). I was basing my story on what I thought HOLLYWOOD would do with these characters to add tension and angst to the show. And you know Hollywood, they love a good affair.

The end of Chapter 7 represents what the "cliffhanger" for the end of Season 5 could have been: an emotionally damaged Lois returns to canon dimension to her husband Clark and baby Lara, deciding never to speak of her year 'abroad' to anyone. Only -- unbeknownst to her -- Clark has figured out her secret.

Chapters 8-10 represent what could have taken place in the first half of Season 6 (I just couldn't end the story here... I had to have Lois have her happily ever after and obviously she's nowhere near it at the end of Chapter 7.) These chapters take place entirely in canon dimension and deal with Lois living with the choice(s) she made in deciding to go live with alt-Clark for a year.

Usually in Season 5 or 6 of a show, if it's any good, the producers decide to 'spin-off' some characters for another show (how many CSI's and Law and Order's have we had over the years?) So keep your eyes open on my guess of who the producers would have chosen as the perfect 'spin-off' from this show. laugh

Chapter 8 (Season 6) starts where Season 4 ended as seen in the last scene of The Family Hour, Lois and Clark discover baby and wonder from where it came. Please remember that the Lois at the beginning of Chapter 8 is the substitute (place-holder) Lois brought from the past.

I will post the summary of Chapter 7 by Tuesday, when the first part of Chapter 8 will post. (Sorry, no three month hiatus between Season 5 and Season 6 for you).

Thank you for reading. Please post feedback here.

Last edited by VirginiaR; 02/08/15 09:08 PM. Reason: Fix Broken Links

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.