Good chapter. Wish I had the time/energy to comment more on this, but again, got to sort out a bunch of college stuff (they screwed up my schedule! after specifically telling me that they could and *would* fix it! GAH!) And now, I've got a fever and a sore throat and am currently surfing the symptom checker on webmd...
“Lois is not cheating on me. She promised me that.”

Jimmy raised an eyebrow at that remark. “But you must have thought she was to have had that conversation with her.”
True. Very true. Once again, Jimmy proves wise in this story.
“The L.A. Times!” Lois gasped, then her eyes sought out his. “I didn’t know they had picked up the story as well.” She unfolded the paper. “Date? It wasn’t a date. It was an interview.” She slapped the paper. “If I had been a man they wouldn’t have put this headline on the article. How sexist.” She read on. “Where’s your byline?” She slapped the paper again. “You know if they had gotten that right, I bet they wouldn’t have put that headline on the article.”
“I hope you didn’t make copies because with an attitude like that, Clark, you aren’t moving in anytime soon,” she thundered, pocketing her keys.

Move in? Had she actually liked him enough to bounce that idea around in her head? Of the two of them living together? Sleeping together? Sharing their lives? That committed of a relationship?
:rolleyes: Another thought that didn't even cross his mind until Lois voiced it... now I'm sure all he'll be thinking about is living with Lois on a secluded beach somewhere where he could suck on Lois' toes and make love in the sand and skinny dip... typical male....
“Somehow I went from being the one being wronged to being the one in the doghouse again,” Clark muttered.

And in the doghouse you belong, Kent.
Too true.
“Ouch! Why’d you do that?” Jimmy asked.
Yes, why Clark?
Clark pushed the button to call the freight elevator. “Because we wrote that article about Superman together. And I wasn’t credited for it.”
How petty.
Lana had told you that you had no potential and that you would never amount to a hill of beans. Why had you believed her? Why had you taken her words to heart? Just because you had thought yourself in love with the girl doesn’t mean you should have let her squash your hopes and dreams, Kent.
So is that all we'll learn of Lana, or will there be more knowledge to come?
“Have you ever thought about writing for Perry’s Planet?
Interesting... I wonder if Clark and Lois writing for the Planet and Jimmy taking pictures might skyrocket the simple paper into a real newspaper...
Clark’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Did she say something to you about Superman?”
... Did she? I don't remember... confused
Clark turned and saw on the monitor that the bearded man was grabbing Lois’s arm. Before he knew it he was standing at the third floor railing looking down at the two of them with his own eyes.

“So, I’ll see you Saturday night then, beautiful,” the bearded man was saying to Lois.
Why do I get the feeling that Clark will take what clearly appears to be a threatening situation and blow it way out of proportions and try to blame it on Lois in an effort to leave the doghouse?
“What are you doing here?” she stammered, glancing over her shoulder and moving away from him.

“Obviously learning about the real you,” Clark muttered, following her.
Yep. wallbash Oh, Clark...
“Go. And keep Kal away, too. If he shows up, I’ll lose you both.” She opened the door and went inside.
Curiouser and curiouser... Wonder who this threatening mystery man is and what will happen... I suppose we'll find out soon! I guess I did go into this more, but only because I basically kept coming back to this all day long and adding more... oh well. blush

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain