blush Umm... yes my mind keeps wandering on occasion wink

Desks? It's one of those imponderables that occasionally creeps in to preoccupy me when I'm stuck in traffic or bored in a meeting.
/directs attention of Muse towards shiny object dangling from ceiling/

Hey, I blame the show. If he'd never used the heat vision to, uh, let's say "warm her feet" in "Sex, Lies and Videotape",
blush blush I actually sort of not thought about this one for a long time now. I only ever remember the scene it inspired blush

ETA: Upon further reflection, I remembered that he also used his heat vision in "We Have A Lot To Talk About" to dry her off. But that just doesn't have the same sticks-in-your-mind quality as "You missed"/"No, I didn't".
/mutters and shoos pink elephant out of the room/

Glad I could make you laugh.

Michael wave

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