By any chance were you one of the writers for the show before it was cancelled?
I'll never admit it! wink

Virginia, I think that seeing my summer break drawing to an end has brought on a case of the sillies. I have another silly story in mind, but I am having trouble finding the appropriate POV(s). This is the first time my muse ever gave me a second plot before I wrote up the first.

DW, glad you liked it. I am always nervous about posting something like this. Comedy writing is risky to begin with, but writing a so-bad-it's-funny type of story is doubly so. I'm always nervous that it might just wind up being so-bad-it's-awful instead. (I felt the same jitters about my story The First Fanfic , but at least with that one, it was just the story-within-the-story that was deliberately abysmal.)

Mouserocks, if you want to write up the script, be my guest! I found writing the plot synopsis to be painfully amusing, but I fear that writing the script would be just plain painful.

EvelynC, Dean Cain does do an excellent bewildered-Clark. But I feel too sorry for amnesiac Clark to enjoy his lost puppy dog look. Still, I'm not such a softy that I won't give him amnesia if it serves the story I want to tell. (Uh oh. Does that make me as bad as Luthor? wink )

Michael, I agree with what was said in another thread -- your posts should come with spew warnings. It was even more amusing because I had considered trying to work a ghost and/or another love interest for Lois or Clark into the story, but decided that:

  • I didn't see an easy way to do so without making this story too long to sustain its humour.
  • I really didn't want to torture myself by spending a lot of time thinking about and writing this story.

I love your idea of combining the ghost and the love interest, and throwing in a breakup 'for Lois' own good' into the mix, to boot. Ugh! The worst of the worst.

Sue, I'm happy that my fit of silly madness -- or was it a fit of mad silliness? -- made your day a little brighter. And I'm pleased that you cited the redundancy aside. It was my favourite gag in the story.

Thanks to all who have left me feedback. smile
