Such a lot happening in just the first installment! I like how you took the time to establish the atmosphere in the first couple of paragraphs. Made me feel Like I was in Metropolis,

"onboard a freighter called Shackleton." heh

nicely written Bobby Bigmouth - he's a fun character and you've captured him well. smile Loved "street epicurean"

ah, so lois doesn't know the Secret yet.

Binoculars in the purse - very Lois. smile

I enjoyed the banter between L & C when they were in the car. So they're very aware of each other, but not sure how to move the relationship ahead.

Will there be a love triangle? Hmmm wait and see.
Oh I hope not! So how old is Aykira? - she reads like a woman of a "certain age" --- so she and Bill Henderson maybe? It's always good to have Henderson in a fic, imo. And he would be a nice contrast to her uber-sophistication and competence - could be chemistry there - just saying. smile But will it be Luthor and Aykira? Something mysterious about Aykira - who is she really?

Looks like an intricate A plot too.

Interesting start, Morgana.