Thank you for posting this. hyper This is the true Epilogue for 'All the Daytime and the Nighttime'. It ends more hot and heavy than part 12 / Epilogue of AtDatN did.

So, Clark is YOUNGER than Lois in this universe. That's new. But being that he'll live years longer okay. How long had he been a Lab Rat before going out in the field at the MetroClub? I'm sure you explained that somewhere, but my brain doesn't hold facts like Clark's. 25 is pretty young, for that many degrees and an extensive career.

He spent time in Germany? Was that in the traveling between high school and college? And yes, that language would have come in handy in Turkey.

Clark's getting a bit of the Super bug. Always jumpy at rescue-time. Love it. I'm surprised that Lois was the only one who noticed. I love Lois noticing all these little details about Clark and his 'strangeness'. laugh I love her trying to figure him out.

Back to the heavy car petting... Clark's a little innocent, shall we say, like canon Clark? This Clark has already lost control of his gravity switch around Lois and knows what would happen if they moved their relationship forward in a way that would really make him lose his control. Forward thinking.

Enjoying these stories and characters. dance

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.