What an incredible journey you have taken us on, and we still have a LOOOOOOOONG epilogue to look forward to! Yay!

This part (as were all of them, of course) was so wonderfully written and I enjoyed every word. So many of the lines of dialogue were thought-provoking and I thought Martha's actions and words were so 'Martha'. Simply loved the fact that Clark had taken to his 'Fortress of Solitude' treehouse... and especially the fact that Martha instantly knew he'd be there. That was the icing on the cake! Wonderful stuff!

Really looking forward to the epilogue; while it is great that we are now at the completion of Lois and Clark's journey, and that love finally won out over evil, it is also sad that TMTY is coming to an end. It has been a very addictive and enjoyable story that has been a part of our lives for so long now. How will we live without it?! Hope you've got another story or two in the pipeline!! smile
