Laura I thought everyone would prefer to get new parts rather than FDK-FDK. So now, I'm catching up smile

Elizabeth The buttermilk line was so the readers would know for sure that EW=MK!

DW Glad you liked the quick posting schedule. smile

Eric having green rock was a test - was he *really* committed to helping Clark?


I thought the compound was on Bessolo Boulevard?
The compound was behind the warehouse. The compound was razed to the ground. The warehouse - owned by the agency - is still there.


Was Menzies looking for K? I thought he was looking for a photo of Martha? Is he still a bad guy in disguise? Why would he want to hurt Superman?
They are exactly the questions I was hoping would be raised by Eric's actions. smile

Emily Moyne was evil enough to leave trouble even after he'd died.


I don't think Eric will use the K against Clark, but maybe he will use it to see if Martha reacts to it as I am sure Trask would have had it in plain view when he disabled Clark with it during the capture seven years ago.

Joy Re not trusting Menzies - this was his test.

Vicki It's dance when FoLCs don't want a fic to end, but as the writer, by this stage, I just want to move on to something else.

The buttermilk pancakes - I would have used that if I'd thought of it. smile

Thanks for the FDK, everyone,
